Time and Imagination
Jean Baudrillard's excerpt on hyperreal vs imaginary was eye catching. Some might say it was a bit difficult to keep up with and handle the imaginary from the real talk, but I thought it was quite brilliant. The talk of a secret world almost that circulates in proportions somewhere other then reality while being in reality is almost psychedelic, but true. My only question for this passage is, how far does Jean think the mind can read through imagination without realizing and snapping back into reality? This is not only a childhood thing, Jean just took Disneyland as a perfect example because anyone who looks back at DisneyLand can same the same thing, Jean just applied it to our world today; hyperreal. The post modern passage was a lot to take in as well, because it is all too true. Our world is everything in the past world combined with no separation. We don't even think about how many cultures and styles and musics and foods we take in everyday, not knowing each and eve...
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